Saturday, April 14, 2012

Half Way!

I hit twenty weeks this week in my pregnancy and since a human's gestational period is forty weeks (let me get all technical on ya here) that means I'm half way to having another baby!  He's supposedly the size of a melon now and wiggling all the time.

Not only have we discussed names (we haven't decided on one yet) but as you've already seen on the blog, I've been thinking a lot about the next baby's room and what I'll need this time around.

We're having a going away party here in Champaign at the end of this month and the two ladies hosting asked me if I felt comfortable registering for this baby since they want to give people the opportunity to give baby gifts again.  At first I felt torn, when you think about etiquette it's been taboo in the past to register for baby #2, but I'm seeing more and more showers (or I've heard the term "sprinkles") for second babies, especially when they're of the opposite sex from your first. So I went for it.  Mostly we just need clothes and a few other things that were specifically "girl" when we had Bonnie.  All of our big stuff was gender neutral with her, so really, it's just me going back and saying "What should I have registered for last time that I didn't?"  What are your thoughts on registering or having showers for babies after the first?  I want to know!  You can be honest.

Cravings up to this point: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, this salsa rice with black beans and cheese (I've had this for lunch at least once a week for the last month or two) and Orange juice.

KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Dinner recipe

And a big "Happy Birthday" to my hubby, who turns 28 today.  I love you Paulie!

bd cow - 28 card from Zazzle.com_1247898967911

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