This is our first house in Champaign, Illinois. We love it! Here's the tour!
The view from the street. |
The entry way. |
View from the entryway. |
Looking to your right here is our living room and all the bedrooms. |
The guest bedroom. |
The guest bathroom. |
Bonnie's nursery. |
Our master bedroom. |
The master bathroom. |
Back through the living room is the dining room. |
Our kitchen. |
The back patio. |
I feel your sentiment, I cried like a big fat baby (which I was big and fat, 7 mo preggo) when we moved out, we came back to KC for a wedding and officially closed on it, we slept in the living room on an air mattress. Tom was waiting for me in the car as I walked through each empty room sobbing. It's your first HOME together as a family. It will always be so special!